New Computer

I have a new computer – it’s being pretty awesome so far.

EVE is installed, and the settings are cranked to max so I can enjoy my living quarters in Jita pleasantly :)

The only disappointment I have right now is that for some reason I still can’t get 60 fps in League of Legends while attempting to stream – I feel like I’m probably just setting up xsplit wrong, but I’m not sure what settings are causing my grief.  Any streamers out there that can help me?

#Winning EVE

Circumstances in my life (both IRL and in EVE) have led me to a situation where, for the foreseeable future, I might actually not be writing about EVE (not that I’ve been posting much anyway) – because I may not be playing for a while.  However, I’m going to continue to post about League of Legends, and I might start discussing my new Sunday activity – Pathfinder.  I’m running through the Rise of the Runelords campaign with some friends, and between our terrible dice rolls and “Do we have any Cheetos?” attitude, we might manage to accomplish saving the world… eventually.

Warning: Incoming :words:

So, I’ve realized that I’ve got a propensity to get rather… verbose, at times, whether this is in my personal life, at work, or in my various gaming pursuits.  I’ve decided that since I spend so much time writing things, it would be nice to start a blog, so whomever’s interested in seeing my collected thoughts can read the novellas that sometimes come out of my fingers.

That said, this post will be fairly short, as I just want to note the main gaming topics I’ll be covering:

1. EVE Online – I’ve been playing this horrible game since 2008 and I continue to lose the game by logging in to spaceships and spreadsheets online.

2. League of Legends – A (relatively) new obsession of mine,  I’ll discuss how being in triple-digit ELO has affected my ability to form complete sentences.

3. RetroMUD – I’ve been playing this since 2005, which I think makes me a newbie as far as the average player retention is concerned  It’s basically one of the granddaddies to modern MMOs like Everquest and World of Warcrack.

4. Europa Universalis III – I will dominate Europe.  Eventually… at which time there will be cheese, cheese and wine, as far as the eye can see.